Sunday, March 3, 2013

Nerd 5 Presents: What We Learned This Week at the Movies: Feb 25-March 3, 2013

Jack the Giant Slayer's cast enjoy the film more then you will.
           Hey Guys, Josh here, hope you’re enjoying the content Nerd 5 is bringing to you; and my goal is to try to bring you as much content as I can --- and try to be… relevant… yeah that seems like a good word—with that in mind I’m going to try to start a short weekly column (to go along with our larger Nerd 5 Top 5s and Special Features). What We Learned This Week at the Movies will be a weekly look at all the five things we’ve “learned” at the movies this week. Simply put: 5 observations I’ve made this week while watching movies.  And now presenting What We Learned This Week at the Movies for Feb 25th through March 3rd 2013

Movies Seen In Theatres This Week: Beautiful Creatures, A Good Day to Die Hard, 21 & Over and Jack the Giant Slayer

Lesson 5. Always Search for Diamond in the Rough – You never know where you’re going to find some solid advice, always keep your mind open. So, I’m trudging my way through Beautiful Creatures, cursing the filmmakers for ruining some really good ideas; when this gem of a line comes along “God created all things; it’s only man that decides what’s a mistake.” The line is reference to a young man struggling to accept witches in a highly religious southern society, but rings trues on many levels in today’s culture.

Lesson 4. Never Vacation with Bruce Willis – The loveable John McClane is back for his 5th outing and this time he’s taking the family to Russia! In a film full of logic problems, mystery family members, never-ending explosions and more Russian digs then you can shake a stick at; …… You know what… I’m done talking about this movie; Go watch the original DIE HARD, it’s very good, this is very bad.

Lesson 3. It’s Difficult to Plant a Tent in March – In case we didn’t learn last year when Disney’s John Carter failed at the box office (which is not actually that bad of a film) it’s not a good idea release t tent pole film in March.  Well here it is, the first weekend in March and WB gives us Jack and the Giant Slayer, their newest tent pole. Sadly WB didn’t learn the lesson of Disney and the only thing slain here is career of lead actor Nicholas Hoult.

Lesson 2. Jeff Chang is a Friend in Need – If 21 & Over came out in 2003 when I was a senior high school, I would have loved the crap out it. 21 & Over is never bad, but never good. The film has a surprising amount of heart mixed in with extremely crude jokes, but sadly runs on very familiar ground. If you are not familiar with the teen sex comedies of 80s, 90s and beyond this will be just for you. If you are familiar, then watch those, they're meant for you, this one isn't.  

Lesson 1. It’s Hard to Survive the Doldrums of Winter – January, February and March are known as the dumping ground of film. This is the time of year where the studios try to hide terrible films, and 2013 isn't different. As of March 3rd the best film of the year is Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters… that’s right, that’s the best film released this year so far. Take comfort that April is on its way and summer is right around the corner. Huddle up with some Oscar films (if you can still find them) but don’t worry, winter ends soon.

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