Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Oscar Season: The 6 Most Fun Film Experiences of 2013

 This is one of my favorite lists to compile each year because this is what film is supposed to be about, fun; a joyous, wonderful and memorable trip to the movies. Movies are an amazing communal experience, a story to get endlessly lost in and a great way to open your mind (at least when done right). Yes, it’s a commercial industry but there is real artistry and that’s when good films are made. Yet, there are times when a bad movie is made better by circumstance, theatre, timing and the great company you keep.

           Now let’s jump right into Nerd 5 Top 6 Most Fun Film Experiences of 2013

6. The Conjuring – Surprise, surprise as horror film makes the list of most fun film experiences, a horror film that I saw by myself nonetheless. Most of the horror fans that I know don’t care for this movie, which is probably why I love it. A great horror film, that tells the a story and uses it’s creepy elements for good, not for shock value. Maybe it’s low expectations that helped, but The Conjuring is a great film, full of interesting characters, a great mystery and fantastic visual styling’s. Director James Wan continues to prove why he’s a modern master of the horror genera and I’m excited to see what he does away from horror films with his next outing Fast and Furious 7.    

5. Fast & Furious 6 – Speaking of the Fast and Furious franchise, the 6th installment comes in right here. A great time at the movies with my lady! This is probably the dumbest franchise in Hollywood right now, but man it’s endlessly fun, always entertaining and the just the right amount of self-aware. This film knows what it is and takes advantage of it at every turn, it’s ridiculous, illogical, and down-right insane; in most films that would be a bad thing, but it works here because everyone on screen is having such a good time it’s infectious. I mean come on, two sports cars take down a giant airplane on a never ending runway in this films climax and it’s the best thing I’ve seen since Fast 5. Hey everyone, remember when these films were actually about street racing?

4. The Hunger Games: Catching Fire – A great film, made even better by great company. Catching Fire is the best book of The Hunger Games series and will probably go down as the best film as well. It’s a great time at the movies with a little bit of message to boot. But there are times where the universe allows you to see a wonderful film with perfect company! My friends Marsha and Laura and I ventured into the theatre on opening weekend, surrounded by hardcore fans of the series, and had a marvelous time! Sometimes it’s the amazing people that make the amazing film, even better. Whether you are a member of a fandom or not there is nothing like seeing a film on opening weekend with those who are going to love it endlessly and always, try it, at least once. And Hunger Games fan enjoy the ride, because at some point the new films come to an end, take from a Potter fan who still longs for those days. But more importantly, enjoy Catching Fire

3. Hansel & Gretel Witch Hunters Coming out in the dumping ground of February 2013; Hansel & Gretel Witch Hunters was exactly what we needed. Produced by Will Ferrell and Adam McKay, this fairy tale reimagining is very aware of it ridiculous nature, even to the point of satire at times. Now, it’s not genius but man this is crazy fun. Little did my buddy Max and I know what we were in for when we sat down to watch Hansel & Gretel take down some witches, that there was also steam punk weapons, crazy super powers  and trolls…. Yes trolls. Only a viewing of this comedic masterpiece, which never once tries to be a comedy, will let you truly know its greatness. Also props to Jeremy Renner and Gemma Arterton who give this script and film far more credence then it deserves.

2. World War Z – A great way to end a great day. I was lucky enough to see plenty of films this year with one of my best friends of all time and roommate Jeff. World War Z came as celebration of my entry into Seattle, we had just filmed our own zombie film, summer was in high gear and we sat down to watch this great summer blockbuster. Yes we were tired, yes we’d be with amazing folks all day, but the joy of sitting down to film at the end of a great is simply irresistible. World War Z might be the weakest film on this list, but it was one of the great moments of my year. Watching this film with a group of close friends is the way to go, enjoy its flaws and its greatness.  

1. Frozen Sorry everyone, nothing is going to top watching Frozen with a couple of the coolest 4 year olds that I know. Again a great film (and my personal pick for best animated film of this year) made even better by the circumstances around it. Thanksgiving Day 2013 was a very fun day. It started with hanging with my family, a trip to the park, a wonderful meal then Uncle Josh loaded up his niece Rita and nephew Kyler and headed off to see the new Disney animated film. As great as kids films can be without kids, they are even better with them. We pulled up to the theatre and instantly this joy began with buying tickets from a former SHS student of mine, enjoying our popcorn and soda, running into several wonderful HomeLink families, enjoying this timeless and joyous film, the taking the new Frozen fans to get some hot chocolate after the film, where again was helped by a former student, then blasting “Let it go” in my car as we pulled up just in time for bed. I will always remember Rita telling me that “You know everyone!” as we pulled out of the Starbucks drive though. A wonderful memory.

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