Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Crash Cinema Strikes Again!

Hello Dear Readers!

Nerd 5 was able to again take part in Seattle International Film Festival’s bimonthly Crash Cinema!

Last time Jeff went as a free agent (See the article here: http://nerdfive.blogspot.com/2013/04/tales-from-seattle-international-film.html) but this time we came in force. Josh brought two awesome co-workers from Seattle Children’s Theatre, Rachel LeValley and Michael Massey, to be in front of the camera, and Jason Fortman, our awesome collaborator on Seattle Bites (see more here: http://nerdfive.blogspot.com/2013/08/starring-justin-brown-chauncey-trask.html), joined us to lend his expertise behind the lens.

The Day Looked Like This:

9 am – Meet at SIFF in Seattle Center
9:30 am – Get five prompts from a hat
9:30 – 10:30 am – Break the story with the entire group
10:30-11 am – Write a movie!
11 am – 12 pm – Hastily gather props/costumes and zoom back to Jeff and Josh’s apartment
12:30 pm – 3 pm – Shoot the &$@% thing before time runs out!
3 pm – Curse ourselves for taking too long shooting as Jeff and Jason sit down to edit, one working from the beginning and the other from the end until they meet in the middle.
4:35 pm – Render the combined cut while the rest of the team piles into the car.
4:45 pm – Still rendering! Call SIFF to beg for more time with no answer.
4:50 pm – Grab the rest of the gear and drive to Seattle Center as fast as possible while making discs on the way.
5:11 pm – Arrive at Seattle Center (LATE for the deadline) and sprint to the SIFF offices while the car circles the block for parking.
5:15 pm – Slam a (sweat covered) disc with the final movie file down onto the table in front of the (unpaid) intern and gasp an apology that sounds like “I…. blughhhh…. Here, ughh. Phooo! Please…” Luckily he speaks out-of-breath-filmmaker and nods understandingly.
6 pm – Team Awesome watches their movie (along with 10 other entries and an audience of 200) on the big screen!

It was a great day, and Crash Cinema continues to be a fantastic shot of creative adrenaline. We love this program and would recommend it to anyone else who wants to feel the thrill of watching their own work on the cinema screen. Cheers to SIFF for their many educational programs and we’ll be back again soon.

Rachael LeValley as Clones Number 1-4.

Please check out our film, a farce about family and cloning here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2d4lZWvd2s0&feature=share&list=PLYnR9vjfv9HO64lhrmZ2oJEi4Hht1fwLD

along with 10 other films made that day by other teams, using the same five prompts! 

REMEMBER: All of these films were made in 8 hours, with no way to plan ahead or anticipate what they would require. Nothing but good friends, a lot of caffeine, and the challenge of getting SOMETHING on screen.  

The Prompts Were: 
Genre-Sci Fi
Dialogue-"Goats are amazing"
Action-Uncontrollable crying
Character Name Referenced- Mr. E
Prop-Record Album


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