Saturday, July 27, 2013

Talkin' In the Movies: Pacific Rim SPOILERS!

We saw Pacific Rim. Robots, Monsters, half the cast of FX, and a whole lot of Del Torro weirdness, which means that of course we had to talk about it. Jeff was late, as usual…

… why are you late?

I'm never late. Or early. A blogger arrives precisely when he means to.

Shut up Gandalf! Tonight's blog will be written by a very cranky man! You all can deal with it!

Welcome to Talkin' in the Movies! Or "Josh's official hater time, with Jeff, our hero.”

Don't hate the player, hate the game! I only hate on things that deserve hate! And as I said... deal with it!

...Even on my birthday?

It was your birthday, now it's not! I was a bright ray of sunshine when we saw the film... right... bright...?

Meaning falling asleep and ducking out of the theater when the action was too intense? You did share some candy, and bought tickets, so thank you.

Well happy birthday film, my friend. And it's not my fault that Pacific Rim was incredibly boring at one some points and gave me motion sickness at others. If the film was attempting to create literal and figurative nausea in its audience; it very much succeeded.

Oh boo, you're just a softy. So... Pacific Rim. Godzilla meets Transformers meets Iron Man. What's not to love?

The Godzilla and Transformers parts. That's what not to love.

Let's start by you telling me what is enjoyable about CGI porn with very little story?

I'd like to think I'm pretty sophisticated, but you never liked watching giant things beating each other up? That's my kind of cheese.
Sure it would have been better if the fictional society spent a little time researching the source of these giant horrors, or god forbid made friends with them, but it is fun to spend what remains of the world's resources on a handful of giant compensation-bots.

Before we go much further, a basic plot breakdown: A dimensional rift opens at the bottom of the Pacific, and through it comes a continual stream of giant but stupid monsters (Kaijus) that march into our coastal cities causing mayhem.

Our reaction? 20 years developing ever-bigger robots with human pilots (Jaegers) to smack-down UFC style. The monsters get bigger, the robots get bigger… And here we are, when humanity is almost out of bots and finally turns its attention to the source of the problem, the rift these things are spilling out of.

Yeah, that’s an issue I have.

Why did they wait so long to try to close the whole? Once they figured out that these things were deadly and they were not going to share the planet, why didn’t we just close up the hole? It's not like the plan is complicated. Grab a Alien-Dino from the center of the earth and send him back where is his over-complicated-Pan's Labyrinth-rip-off ass came from and blow it up with a bomb... really no one thought of that till the 11th hour.

I will totally give you that this is not my kind of cheese. So it's got a long way to go before I’ll enjoy it, though Pacific Rim gets farly close to me starting to kinda enjoy it.

Truth be told, I enjoyed the very very small back-story at the beginning that the humans of this world have been trying for 20 years to destroy the Kaijus and they have failed, so now this is the final option. And it actually gave a reason for why we need to see Robot/Alien UFC. SIDEBAR: the Kaijus in this film are actually Dinosaurs? A little piece of information that is glossed over in the opening segments. REALLY, THEY ARE DINOSAURS.

They're not really dinosaurs! They're what wiped OUT the dinosaurs. 

What? The film states that they came out lived for a while but the planet wasn’t ready, so they went back in their Hobbit hole.

They came out - MASS EXTINCTION - then sniffed the air and thought "Not polluted enough, I'll come back later."

Was that said? Honestly, did I miss it or are you just reading into it? Because what I stated before was what I remember from the film. I will admit if I’m wrong, but I don't remember any further info.

I think it was a misunderstanding of a logically murky, vaguely-alluded-to bit of exposition. And honestly, the least of this film's problems.
I liked this movie, I had fun, but I'm not putting it on a pedestal.

All of the film’s exposition was logically murky and vaguely-alluded-to. That's the issue, stop trying to distract me with big dumb robots fighting animal like alien-dinos from the middle of the earth. Give me something to latch on to, something to root for, something to care about.

This film treats its characters like caricatures. There is no depth, nothing interesting about anyone on the screen. The film is a predictable as all get out, everything was telegraphed and over foreshadowed! Even to its predicable solution at the end. What's to enjoy about predicable, over-hashed nonsense?

It's true that this movie didn't play anything close to the chest, but in a weird way that's part of its wide-open, bright-eyed charm. It has archetypical characters with clear goals and sincere emotions. It's a cartoon. It's in the tradition of Japanese Manga or anime, which have a proud tradition of giant robot stories. Or for us less discerning Americans, Power Rangers. A movie which you've made me watch... twice.

It was emotionally simple and the action was just as straight-forward. Del Torro got to live the dream. He got some great toys and 200 million dollars, and he came to play! That's what this movie is: going back to the sandbox with a kid who has a more vivid imagination than anyone else in the world. Perfect summer movie, and there is some pure joy in the sequences where we can forget anything else and just get lost in the colors and action. It's what Michael Bay wishes he could do, create justified violence in a way that's engaging and actually makes sense to watch. Strap in and have fun.

My big question: If it's been more than a decade since these monsters started attacking coastal cities, why do people still live in coastal cities? I might move to Iowa, all things considered. Like James T. Kirks great-grandfather did when a Kaiju hit Newark.

Power Rangers is perfect... deal with it. This movie is no Power Rangers. But your point is well taken, looking at this as a cartoon is a great way to go and fixes several of its flaws. Considering it's got as much animation as any Pixar film, it fits the bill.

Dealing with your "big question" first? It's just one of the many plot hole questions that I have no answer to because the man in the sandbox gave me no answer. He set up a world and then half-delivered on the logic. A major failing of this kid in his sandbox, and much like a kid in his sandbox he seems to just make it up as he goes along. “Wouldn't it be cool if these two things got in the biggest fight of all time in San Fran! Then a bigger thing comes along and eats all the ice cream! Then all the people hide while the biggest thing of all illogically gets by my Mom!” It's little kid logic, and it's my fault for expecting more out this film.

What I really want to dive into is your statement that this was a "Perfect Summer Movie." It is not. Let's take what I consider to be a perfect summer movie, Jurassic Park. That film has flaws, BUT it gives you a sense of awe and wonder, and the story and characters have enough going for them that we can follow them without questioning every step of the way. It’s a good 30 to 35 mins into the film before we ever see a Dino, and about an hour before one is attacking our characters. We are given time to accept what is happening and who we are rooting for.
Where is the scene of awe and wonder in Pacific Rim? What is new? Find a way with your millions of sandbox dollars to show me something Michael Bay has not already poorly delivered. Del Torro is a WAY better filmmaker then Bay, so come on!

My 1st and 2nd graders still know what Jurassic Park is by the theme song (which I played today and they knew long before I told them) and Rim doesn't deliver anything new, let alone anything better than what we've already seen.

It didn't touch me, and a good summer film should. If it's good enough to make me accept its flaws, then it's doing its job. If it's not good enough to make me overlook a few while watching the first time, then it's not. Americans are a forgiving audience, even the most jaded of us, but you need to give us something to forgive, something to root for, something to defend.

Ok, ok. This is a big, blow-up movie, and it's as shallow as possible. Either you have fun with that or you don't. Jurassic Park is perfect, which is why 20 years later it still works. This movie won't be remembered, and the inevitable sequels will squeeze the novelty out of it for me, but for now, for today, for my birthday, I had fun.

It didn't promise a grand story and it didn't deliver one. What we got was some large-scale action and the invitation to join in. Plus, the best use of Charlie Day in a movie to date. He had more heart than anyone else in this film and whaddya know, he saves the day in a more real way than any of our jock-wannabe role models. Way to go Charlie, way to go Del Torro, and way to go me.

If you want to point at something truly ridiculous, point to Ron Perlman. But hey! It's a Del Torro movie, and that's his guy. It makes me want to watch Sons of Anarchy, another over-the-top show, but one where Charlie Hunnam and Perlman have some real stakes.

Agree, Best ues of Charlie Day! Worst use of Burn Gorman (look away Torchwood fans... look away! Be warned).

Day is the best part and made some of it watchable, it's not a complete waste of time. I'd watch this before any Transformers film. All in all it's not the worst thing I've seen this summer, or this year. But that's doesn't make it any better. It just makes other things that much worse.

So, solid C from me, with an A for ‘Awesome Attempt’ and to the studio for giving one of my favorite artists a massive payday.

D for me, and if it gets sequels I'd be surprised, since it's going to STRUGGLE just to get it's money back. I mean, it lost it's opening weekend to Grown Ups 2... a film that I'm sure is much worse. Well, now as I did for a very small part of Pacific Rim I'm off to zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…………….

Oh well. (steals sleeping Josh's candy)

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